Wednesday, January 1, 2014

So, I decided to start a blog. Not because I have anything particularly interesting to say but because I needed something to dedicate myself to. I have a lot of great qualities but follow through and commitment aren't on the list. Today is New Years day and as I was reflecting on the last year I realized something terrible. I have grown complacent. Complacent in my job, complacent in my relationships, complacent in my goals, etc. The list goes on and frankly I think complacency is the worst thing that can happen to a person.

So this year I'm going to change things and start moving forward. I'm not sure what that means yet but this blog seemed like a good way to keep myself honest.  I'm going to try . . NO. . I WILL write 4 sentences every day about what I did to change, challenge, or improve my life that day. How hard can 4 sentences be?

P.S. If I manage to actually commit myself to this blog (or anything) for a year, you should all chip in and reward me with expensive shoes.